Sunday, February 15, 2009

10 Lessons I learned from the Godfather.

After introducing a roommate to the grand epic that is the Godfather, I realized that much of what I've learned in this life I learned at the feet of Don Corleone.

1. Come in Friendship before offering to pay.

2. Don't let men with hats take pictures of you.

3. Do not talk family business with outsiders.

4. Everyone has a price they won't refuse.

5. Stay out of the drug business, its dirty.

6. If you have a big dumb friend that would do anything for you, don't send him undercover, he's big and dumb, and everyone knows he'd do anything for you.

7. Bullet proof vests should not make one feel too safe.

8. Walk, don't run, no one will notice your face.

9. It really pays to know a good lawyer.

10. Never, go against the family.

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